Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We'll Need Real Leaders in the Future!

Where have all the real leaders gone? Say what you will about our past Canadian Prime Ministers [Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Lester B. Pearson, John Diefenbaker] but I don't think anyone would contest that they were real leaders who lead our country in a way that gave it a sense of dignity on the world stage. After watching the political debates on TV, I wonder where all the leaders have gone? No real issues were discussed but rather each candidate was concerned about their performance and how well they could diss their opponents.

Available good leaders at present in Canada are at an all time low. The real leaders are lurking in the background. I don't know if anyone has been trying to recruit them or inspire them toward the political arena. All our candidates lack a certain something. The more I think about it the more I think they lack true intelligence that can be applied to giving our Country a sense of vision and purpose. I think of Trudeau's sense of a "just society" where people can live in a land that is void of the prejudices and social decay that presses in on people. We seem to be consumed these days about finances in general and nothing else in particular. Oh for a leader with intelligence, guts and determination - one who will stand with the people rather than the bureaucrats - one who will lead our nation into a place of distinction giving it a vision and something to look forward.

My present summation of what is available to us is the following:

  • I appreciated Paul Martin as finance minister and the determination of the liberal party to be fiscally responsible and bring our government out of the overspending of the 80s and 90s but I've lost respect for a party that has been unable to maintain a consistent integrity as they govern our country. The more I hear Paul speak, the more I think he is trying to fulfill a dream his father had rather than lead by conviction and vision.
  • Although Steven Harper and his party seem to hold similar convictions about morality and social behaviour that I do, he lacks a sense of confidence by his demeanor and past rumblings in his own caucus speak of dissension that is probably quiet now that they seem to be on the verge of winning an election but will certainly unveil itself in their term of power if they succeed.
  • The bloc has never been an alternative since I live in Ontario. I respect the fact that we live in a country that makes it possible for the bloc to exist but their separatist leaning gives me nothing to adhere to or to build relationship with.
  • Jack Layton and his party have fundamental roots in a sense of social justice that continues to be verbally conveyed but the party has always been too entrenched in the labour unions to truly attempt a viable platform for social justice. Memories of the Bob Rae government linger and so give me no confidence in this party and their leader.

Maybe we need another party? We certainly need reform of some sort. But most of all we need some good leaders. Right now, I sense a lack of true leadership. I think its time that we groom our children, our young people and young adults toward a sense of social leadership that will exude confidence in the future. Let's uphold the sense of virtue for public office by encouraging our young people to get involved and make a difference. Lets mentor them and coach them so that they may fulfill their dreams and bring a sense of stability and confidence in society that has been missing in the past years. We need more leaders like Hazel McCallion who exude a sense of confidence from their constituency because they care and they know the real issues that need to be tackled and fought for in the public arena.

There will be leaders in the future. What I pray is that the leaders of the future will be the kind who have conviction and are not afraid to stand on principle and lead Canada into the future with knowledge, integrity, courage and vision.

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