Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What is Life all About?

When you look at what's going on around you, you get the feeling that life is random acts of various kinds that are chosen at the whim of everyone out there. Why are people doing what they're doing? Of course the quick answer is that most of us are dragging ourselves out of bed everyday to make sure that we have a roof over our heads and that our kids have food, clothes and enough bling bling so that they aren't ostracized by their friends.

I think alot of us are just doing that very thing - getting up to keep the family going. Its a noble thing really. Our parents did it for us, their parents did it for them and so on. We're perpetuating life. Its too bad that it becomes such a drag. You feel like you're a walking machine heading out to the rock pile to chip a small bit out of a giant mountain. You come home, you eat, you chat a bit, help the kids with their homework, sit down for an hour to watch something on the boob tube and then go to bed only to start it all over again.

I'm thinking there are people ready to go "postal" because their life is such a constant routine - like a monkey bite - same thing every day. I've got an idea. If we've got to keep things going for those around us why don't we do something different? Why not start small. Change your route to work in the morning. Get a change of scenary. Now that might be more stressful than helpful because you may be panicking not knowing whether the new route will get you to work on time. If you can get past that stress point, try it! Maybe cut down a different street to see if its faster.

Here's another one: when you get to work in the morning, talk to someone you don't usually talk to. There are a myriad of people you pass everyday. Stop and talk to one of them. Start out slow. You don't want to freake them out. Just say "Hi" the first day. Then the next day say, "Hi - how ya doin!" Do that for a week. Then on the Monday after the weekend when you pass them ask them, "How was your weekend?" You never know. You may just happen to get to know someone that you may never have known because the routine kept you from knowing them.

Here's what I'm thinking. If the the future is going to be different, then we've got to plan for something different. Life is about people and there are a lot of them out there. If you get past the insecurity of "what will they think if I say hi?" - "What if they're a psycho and I get stalked for the rest of my life?" - then risking a little change now may help us in taking bigger risks in the future. You never know until you try. Give it a try. You just may break up a routine that if unbroken will plunge you into a life of endless boredom.


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