Thursday, October 04, 2007

What Christianity is All About

As I watched Bono accepted the NAACP Chairman's Award, I was inspired to think that an Irish Rocker from Dublin - along with three others - has been able to inspire the world with his message of compassion and respect for human beings all over the world. And more than give the man accolades for his accomplishments, I think of how this man's heart has been captured by what means the most in our world: promoting the dignity and honour of humanity.

There are a lot of things said about Christianity that cause one to think whether it holds the answer for the future of our world. Some things are truly embarrassing and misrepresent what this religion has been about as explained and portrayed by Jesus of Nazareth. Those embarrassments have caused people to look away. But the truth about Christianity lies in what Bono says in his acceptance speech at the NAACP Awards.

Christianity has always been about the foundation of love established by Jesus Christ that renews and recovers our world from the evil that so debilitates it. As a fellow Christian I could not be more proud of my brother, Paul Hewson [Bono] for his strength and courage to act on behalf of those who have no one to speak for them and remind us of the power God has given us as human beings to help others and make our world a place worth living in!

I applaud you Bono for not falling into the temptation of self-aggrandizement but using your influence to help those who truly need help in our world. God's face does shine on you. Its people like you that encourage me to know that what I believe is real and holds the true hope for the future of humanity and our planet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been excited about Bono for sometime, I had an encounter with God speaking to me while I watched a concert they were doing - it was about worship and impact...I did not know those years ago that Bono was a believer...when I found out it made so much sense. I am glad to have stumbled across this video.
To see him not shrink back in the face of his peers and be who he is without hesitation or fear of social correctness. Praise God for men like Bono, may we be even a bit like him in our communities and places of influence.